Dish of the day: gnocchetti sardi with aubergine and ricotta!

The recipe is incredibly easy, but I just need to clarify a couple of things.

Gnocchetti sardi is a kind of pasta..they look like a little shell and they have nothing to do with gnocchi. Personally I consider them one of the best kind of pasta and I think they suit incredibly well with this sauce. This is how they look like:

this is how gnocchettin sardi look like!

  • Ricotta salata is a kind of dry ricotta. It is a sheep cheese, extremely tasty and it is absolutely delicious grated on pasta.
How to prepare:

Cut the aubergines in small pieces (1 cm) and let them cook in a pan with some olive oil.
– Please note: the more you fry the aubergine, the tastier will be the pasta… if you opt for a lighter version, reduce the amount of oil and add some water instead.
When all the little pieces will be beautifully gold, take them out of the pan and put them in a plate.
Use the same pan to prepare the tomato sauce: add a can of chopped tomatoes (you don’t need to add more oil, as there will still be some oil from the aubergine) and a bit of salt.
If the tomato sauce is too thick, add a bit of water… I don’t like when the sauce is too dark and thick!
Let the sauce boil for about 15-20 mins.
In the mean time cook the pasta. When it is done, add it to the sauce and then add the aubergine golden pieces.
The smell is already delicious but you just need to follow other two simple steps to make this dish perfect!
  • add the grated ricotta and mix… it will melt down and create a fab cream
  • add some ground pepper and some breadcrumb (it might sounds strange, but trust me it will give a crunchy taste that you will love!)
As I said before…it is really easy and quick but the result is excellent!
Bon appetit!

1 thought on “Dish of the day: gnocchetti sardi with aubergine and ricotta!

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